Riders who actively participate in cable competitions. By no means does this mean these riders can't or don't ride boat, as many of them do. It just means that cable riding is their strong suit, and choose to focus on their cable riding.
Battleday, Joe |
Bishop, Blake |
Blanik, Ariano |
Caldas, Pedro |
Charraud, Jules |
de Haan, Sam |
Derome, Raph |
Dreiling, John |
Dunn, Busty |
Firer, Guy |
Fooshee, Tom |
Georgii, Felix |
Grant, Daniel |
Gührs, Dominik |
Gunn, Aaron |
Harris, Brandon |
Harris, Josh |
Hernler, Dom |
Kapl, Timo |
Klang, William |
Leduc, Nicolas |
McIntosh, Conrad |
Milde, Max |
Muncey, Matty |
Neville, Jamie |
Oka, Guenther |